Mar 6, 2011

Day at the park

We decided to hit the park on saturday on a whim :) We were trying to find a duck park in salt lake, but Addie was screaming in the car so we decided to cut the trip short and just take her to a park near our house. She knew we were going someone fun, and she didn't like sitting in the car for a while before we got there. It was sort of overcast, but there was no snow on the ground which was a plus! I have 5 tests this next week, so we really needed a weekend of just plain hang time. Addie loved being pushed on the swing and going down the slide. As you can tell, I just couldn't stop kissing her face. She's adorable and so amazing. We are blessed every single moment we spend with her.

This is the face she had plastered on when we got home. She had a GREAT TIME! Can't wait until it's warmer so we can go hang at the park all the time! Love you Addie bug.