Mar 23, 2010


By the way I totally put Adalee's height wrong in her 6 month post! Whoops! I put 23.5 inches and she's 41.5!! That was a BIG mistake. My bad!

Mar 19, 2010

6 month pic :)

So everyone gets mad at me when I just write and don't post pics! My mom was like, Maggie, where are the pictures? (I think it's because she's just too blind to see the small writing. We'll see if she even reads this. I'll know if she calls me about it! haha.) So here's a picture that Chase sent me with his phone from drill today. He always captures Addie best, because she saves her best smiles for daddy. Enjoy! She's so cute!

Ok on second thought, that's not very big... it's bigger on my computer! Hmmm... Well here's another one with her tongue out! She loves this face...

Mar 17, 2010


I honestly can NOT believe my baby is six months old. That means it's been 6 months since I had her? I know most of you are thinking, DUH! I'm sorry, it just seems crazy to me! I guess I always pictured her as a helpless infant! Haha. She's anything but. She can roll over and over like crazy, and hold herself up for a long time on her arms (picture a seal). She bounces a TON in her bouncer, and she's been able to hold her own bottle for a while now. We just stared her on a sippy cup, and she's eating 3 meals a day. I've been making my own baby food. So far she's eaten butternut squash, yellow squash, apples, bananas, and sweet potatoes. And don't forget baby crack! (gerber puffs). She likes the cherry ones best. She always wants to stand up. The doctor asked to see how long she could sit for, but every time I tried to set her down she straightened her legs! It was hilarious. She's a ball of fire. If you lean her against the couch she can hold herself up for little bits of time before tipping over. She's getting so strong. I feel like she's going to be mobile any time now. She scoots around on the floor, but no real signs of crawling yet. Walking though, yes... if you hold her hands while she's standing she takes little steps. Sometimes. Only if she feels like it really, but this girl does love to stand! She's so smart too. She's really started learning how to work me over. I'm such a softy. I put her down for a nap, and if she's crying I rub her back. Then when I stop, she puts on this TERRIBLE fake scream until I start again. I've got to stop that! Haha. I just love her so much though! I don't get too much time with her, but it will all be worth it one day! Oh, and she's 14 lbs 3 oz and 41.5 inches. Like the 45th percentile for weight and 90th for height I think... Love you Adalee! Can't wait for the next years watching you grow!

Mar 8, 2010


So while my family was in town my sister Jess and I had lots of down time. One of the days she wasn't skiing we went to a quilting store and picked out some cute fabrics and felt scraps to make something with. We decided to make cute little owl "softies" for Adalee and Megan! Whose is cuter? haha. jk. Mine is the strange looking one on the left. They're CUTE RIGHT!? Addie bug loves hers. Thanks for teaching me to sew Jess! Miss you and Meggy-Poo!