Mar 19, 2010

6 month pic :)

So everyone gets mad at me when I just write and don't post pics! My mom was like, Maggie, where are the pictures? (I think it's because she's just too blind to see the small writing. We'll see if she even reads this. I'll know if she calls me about it! haha.) So here's a picture that Chase sent me with his phone from drill today. He always captures Addie best, because she saves her best smiles for daddy. Enjoy! She's so cute!

Ok on second thought, that's not very big... it's bigger on my computer! Hmmm... Well here's another one with her tongue out! She loves this face...


  1. Hi Maggie and Chase, She's so adorable. See, I look all the time at your blog. Hugs to you all. Love, Mom

  2. haha! MOM! you really do read it! :)
