Sep 16, 2009

She Has Finally Arrived!

Adalee Jane Brown was born Friday, September 11th at 11:24 PM.
7 lbs 13 oz, and 19 inches long.
After a 21 hour labor, she finally arrived!

I went into labor at 3 AM on Friday the 11th. I woke Chase up to coach me through it, because man was it painful! We were going to wait a while to go in, but there was some bleeding that I wanted to get checked out and make sure it all was progressing okay. We were observed for an hour, and my cervix dilated only a half centimeter instead of a whole one, so we went home to be comfortable for the long process of labor! After 7 hours of labor at home, we went back in when my contractions were 60-90 seconds long and 4 to 5 minutes apart. When I was checked, though, I had was only dilated to a 4. We stayed for a few hours, and they wanted to send me home again when I wasn't progressing. They said I was in latent labor, and they wanted me to take some morphine and go get some rest. I was so shakey and exhausted at this point (15 hours in) that I just didn't want to take this option. I coudn't imagine going home for another 7 hours and not progressing! I was also scared to take those medications! So we begged to be put on pitocin so that I could progress faster, but my midwife would basically only agree to do that if I got an epidural. She believed that my body couldn't relax, and that's why I wasn't progressing. I agreed to take the epidural, and boy am I glad! That was such a relief! I was so dehydrated that it took them a half hour to even find a vein, and one almost capsized on them! It's still sore in my arm. After I got about 2 bags of fluid, the epidural was put in, and labor flew by with the pitocin. In 4 short hours I was complete, and after 40 minutes of pushing Adalee arrived! What an experience. All worth it though :)

One thing I never Imagined was the love I feel for this precious angel. She is the greatest blessing in my life, and I will never be the same. She is perfect in each and every way, and I can't imagine life without this little surprise! She was worth every second of the 10 month and 5 days of pregnancy, and even the 15 hours of unmedicated labor. I would do it a hundred times over for my amazing little girl!

Her daddy couldn't be happier :) I can already see Adalee wrapping Chase around her little finger! He's head over heels, and he couldn't be more in love.

Yay we're home finally! After 2 and a half days at the hospital, Adalee is finally home in her crib! It's so nice to see my little girl in her room that we worked so hard for! I love her to pieces!


  1. Oh my gosh! you look great for being in labor for 21 hours!! isn't being a mommy so much fun!!

  2. PS i was not able to sit like that for a week!! you're lucky!
