May 25, 2010

Jazz game!

So Chase and I took my sister Becky to the Utah Jazz game 3 against the Lakers. It was SO much fun. Even though it was a heartbreaking loss in the final seconds of the game, it was all worth it. The energy solution's arena is so loud! We had a blast. Here are some pix from the night. KEEP IN MIND: I was still really sick, and you can tell I look like hell warmed over in my pictures. Also, why am I making the same face in every one you say? Delirium? I don't know... I'm weird. Everyone says I do strange things when there's a camera around...


  1. If that's your bad face then you put the rest of us to shame, because you look beautiful! Hahaha, I love the "game day" expression. :)

  2. So cute~ I love that face! Jake was there too with some friends! Bummer of a loss. I didn't know you were sick! :(. Love you!

  3. Girl you look gorgeous as always!!! I'm so sorry you were sick!! I hope you're doing better!!! That looks like a lot of fun at the game!!! Love ya!!!
